Friday, April 11, 2008


Let me try to explain the worship. It is 7 pm and it just got dark. There are lots of clouds in the sky and there are no city lights to fight the darkness. Everyone is in the class room standing at their desk, but you can't really see anyone, you just know they are there. So...60 kids standing quiet but not for long. All of a sudden...someone leads out with some awesome sounding song (I have no idea what they are saying I can only pick out Jesus, father, and God, that is about it) and sings solo for about 20 seconds at the top of his/her lungs. Then everyone else joins in and usually echoing the leader. The lead singer has heart, but when the rest of the 59 kids join in it is like a climax of a music concert except there are no fancy lights...wait no lights at all, and no crowd rallying them on, they are the band. I wish we could do something like that in America. They don't care if their voices may not hit the right tune. It is all about the worship of our Father Jesus Christ.

There are a bunch of projects that are on out priorities list: Putting in ceiling board, finishing the teachers quarters, putting up a guest house, and building a new temporary kitchen. Now getting the supplies for these projects is a project in its self. So we went to town on Saturday and did some price checking and comparing. After finding the best prices we purchased timbers, ceiling board, cement, nails, door knobs, and floor toilets. That wasn't that bad, it only took a day. To gather the supplies we hired a truck. We left on Tuesday night to head to the Shamba, we got most of the way there then we got stuck in the river. We tried for about 7.5 hours to get it unstuck and we almost got it, then the engine died. So after heading back to the city in a taxi we left the next morning via three buses. It rained most of the day and all the roads were cluttered with deep puddles. Once we got off the last bus we walk a mile or so to the river, where they finally got the truck out, but they had to unload all of the supplies and the next semi-dry road was about 400 yards down the road. So the boys, Paul and I carried all the supplies through the mud. Oh yeah. We only got stuck about 2 more times in the sand. So as the sun was setting we pulled up to the Shamba. It was amazing. So far we have two rooms framed and ready for ceiling board. The battery powered power tools we brought have helped so much. Thank you guys for pitching in so that we can bring those along.

Some exciting news. Ummm....Form 1 beat Form 2 in a soccer match today. The first time in history. You should have seen these kids in their excitement. It was raining like crazy and the ball was slipping all over the place, but no on ever gave less then 100%. We love playing with them.


1 comment:

Sven said...

sounds like a couple of long days;)
stay strong
2 Corinthians 1:5 For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.