Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here we go.....

Lee and I are sitting in the Orlando International Airport, awaiting our 12 hour flight to Amsterdam which is supposed to board at 8:05. We'll have a 24 hour layover (in the snow?.....crazy!) And from there, we will connect for another 12 hour flight to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

We're really going. It's insane.

Emotions are running crazy for me right now. I hate to leave everyone I love, but I am so ready to go. It's going to be a crazy couple of months. 

Please keep us in your prayers. Things have run so smoothly so far, and we're praying that will continue. 

We're going to be updating our blog  whenever we get internet access and a few minutes to write. Hopefully some pictures will be up there before too long.  So stay tuned!

We are so appreciative of the love and support we have gotten from all of you over the last weeks and months. It makes leaving difficult - but knowing we are supported every step of the way is invaluable. 

Mungubariki Friends! Kwa heri.



Anonymous said...

Ben, Scott, Hannah and I look forward to hearing the news! (I say us, because we are all sitting right here at the moment.)


Erin said...

Paul and Lee,

We are so proud of you guys. We can't wait to hear about Tanzania!! You are in our thoughts and prayers. Safe travels, and have a wonderful, blessed Easter!

Erin, Goat, Landis, Mom, Dad, Josh and Caleb

Anonymous said...

Jambo, Guys!
You must be totally exhausted.
Can't wait to hear about the adventure.
Love and prayers,
Mama Paul